"The Brick Townhouse on Section one of New Hamacho" is a historical construction situated on Binhai 1st Road. It was built in 1933, with red brick wall, brick-like or round shaped roof, and parapet wall with abstract decoration of sun. This is one of the few buildings left from Japanese Colonial Period in Hamasen area. This building full of Shouwa Period's characters is one of the construction which had witness the history of new and old Hamasen.
From July of 2016, after "Rebuild Historical Scene: Hamasen Restoration Project" was approved by Ministry of Culture Affairs, Kaohsiung City Bureau of Cultural Affairs had immediately started repair, preserve, activate, and recycle plans on cultural assets in Hamasen. "The Brick Townhouse on Section one of New Hamacho" is planned to be the starting point of the project. As a work station, the townhouse is set to connect with the historical scene of mountain, port, railway, and town to make sure all results of the restoration project can be presented here. Hamasen Restoration Work Station was activated on 2017/4/22. It welcomes people who are interested in Hamasen Restoration Project to come over for consultation and communication. Hopefully, with this service, the public will be willing to enter, understand, and support the project. Moreover, the work station is excepting to cooperate with local communities and universities for promoting plans of Hamasen area so daily life and business can be improved while local recognition can be raised for sustainable development.
From July of 2016, after "Rebuild Historical Scene: Hamasen Restoration Project" was approved by Ministry of Culture Affairs, Kaohsiung City Bureau of Cultural Affairs had immediately started repair, preserve, activate, and recycle plans on cultural assets in Hamasen. "The Brick Townhouse on Section one of New Hamacho" is planned to be the starting point of the project. As work station, the townhouse is set to connected with the historical scene of mountain, port, railway, and town to make sure all results of the restoration project can be presented here. Hamasen Restoration Work Station was activated on 2017/4/22. It welcomes people who are interested in Hamasen Restoration Project to come over for consultation and communication. Hopefully, with this service, public will be willing to enter, understand, and support the project. Moreover, the work station is excepting to cooperate with local communities and universities for promoting plans of Hamasen area so daily life and business can be improved while local recognition can be raised for sustainable development.